Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Royaume du Laos Tourism in 1960


ROYAUME DU LAOS in 1960 issued a series of four first day cover stamps dedicated to pastoral tourism in Laos. 

The Stamps: 
Laotian Scene
Designer: Marc Leguay, Engraver: Roger Fenneteaux.

Pha Pheng Falls, Champasak Province
Designer: Chamnane Prisayane, Engraver: Jean Pheulpin.
Rural Laotian cart pulled by buffaloes
Designer: Marc Leguay, Engraver: Jean Miermont.
Plain of Jar, Xieng Khouang Province
Designer: Chamnane Prisayane, Engraver: Jean Pheulpin.

The Plain of Jars is a cultural historical site that contains thousands of stones jars. Archaeologists assume that the jars were used 2000 years ago as funeral urns or food storage by the Mon-Khmer. Local legend tells that King Khun Cheuang fought and defeated the cruel King named Khun Angka. King Cheuang ordered huge jars to be built to store rice wine for a victory celebration.

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