Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ukrososhta 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

UKROSHTA (UKRAINE POST) on 26 April 2021 marked the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster with a first day cover stamp showing the Ukrainian landscape and nuclear power in the palm of a hand -- A Look Into The Future of Chernobyl. The cachet depicts the power plant as it was in 1986 when nuclear reactor number four failed to cool and went into meltdown.

The Chernobyl disaster, considered the worst nuclear disaster in history, occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, then part of the Soviet Union, now in Ukraine. From 1986 onward, the total death toll of the disaster has lacked consensus; as peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet and other sources have noted, it remains contested. There is consensus that a total of approximately 30 people died from immediate blast trauma and acute radiation syndrome (ARS) in the seconds to months after the disaster, respectively, with 60 in total in the decades since, inclusive of later radiation induced cancer. However, there is considerable debate concerning the accurate number of projected deaths that have yet to have occurred due to the disaster's long-term health effects; long-term death estimates range from up to 4,000 (per the 2005 and 2006 conclusions of a joint consortium of the United Nations) for the most exposed people of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, to 16,000 cases in total for all those exposed on the entire continent of Europe, with figures as high as 60,000 when including the relatively minor effects around the globe. Such numbers are based on the heavily contested Linear no-threshold model.

Source: Wikipedia 

 IN THE LETTERBOX FROM UKRAINE --ZAPORIZHZHIA!!! The region claimed by Russia but still under Ukrainian control. Received this letter and Ukraine First Day Cover stamp marking the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster.

The Ukrainian postal system is fantastic, but then almost all of the mail out of Ukraine is registered, which allows both sender and receiver to track it. MashAllah!

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