Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Philippines (Japanese Occupation) Landscape Definitives on Postal Stationery Overprint - 1943

PHILIPPINES (UNDER IMPERIAL JAPAN OCCUPATION) on 1 April  1943 issued  2c (volcanic mountains - Mt. Mayon and Mt. Fuji) and 5c (rice field) stamps in Japanese. A total of 15 stamps of varying denomination and colours were released from 1943 till 1944. This cover was addressed on a pre-printed, pre-stamped envelope with First Day Cancellation. The stationery stamp has an overprint blacking-out the words United States of America (formerly a Commonwealth nation of the U.S.).  It has a purple rectangular censor's hand-stamp on front, along with a blue-green circular hand-stamp cachet. Postmark cancellation originated from Manila. 

The name of the sender  on the envelope is Henry Kraemer. He was a stamp dealer in the Philippines who had the dubious reputation of affixing cancellation postmarks and censor rubber stamping to otherwise original stamps and cachets. Such is the case here. That said, his covers with these 'fake' cancellations are, believe it or not, collectible, today.

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