Saturday, June 10, 2023

Deutsche Bundespost Welfare Stamps of German-speaking Actors

DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST on 12 October 2000 issued a series of five welfare stamps. For more than 50 years, the welfare proceeds have been donated to the Federal Association of Free Welfare e.V. In 2000, the welfare stamps were reminiscent of popular German-speaking film actors who have achieved world renown. 

Thees Bond villains: Gert Fröbe as the legendary Mister Goldfinger and Curd Jürgens as the villain Stromberg in "The Spy Who Loves Me"; the two ladies: Lilli Palmer and the unfo stamps were dedicated to two Jamrgettable Romy Schneider - better known as Sissi;  and last but not least, perhaps the greatest of all - Heinz Rührmann.

The designer was Antonia Graschberger. Bundesdruckerei printed over 4 million multicolour stamps of each set, measuring 46.5 x 28 mm with 14 perforations, using an offset lithography method on fluorescent paper. The First Day Cover cancellations originated from Bonn, Germany.

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