Saturday, November 25, 2023

President Jimmy Carter's visit to Bayeux, France - Souvenir Programme and Stamp -1978

LA POSTE FRANCE in conjunction with  President Jimmy Carter's visit  to Bayeux France on 5 January 1978 featured a stamp on a souvenir programme dedicated to the occasion.

The programme leaflet was franked with a stamp depicting the Cathedral of Bayeux or Cathedral of Our Lady of Bayeux and cancelled in the town of Bayeux in the Department (o  State) of Calvados, France.

This programme leaflet included text from the Welcoming Speech by the Mayor of Bayeux, Jean Le Carpentier, "Remembering D-Day". This item was printed in limited quantities and is considered scarce.

President Carter had traveled to Normandy to commemorate the Allied invasion of Europe and pay homage to the thousands of Allied soldiers who died in that assault. With President Valery Giscard d'Estaing at his side and with more than 9,000 American graves stretched in neat rows before hirn, They then drove to nearby Bayeux, the first French town to have been liberated from the Nazi occupation. There, in a noisy plaza, they and the mayor of Bayeux delivered speeches.

Source: Philatelic publication and New York Times 

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