Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Liechtenstein Post 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci

LIECHTENSTEIN POST in 2019  issued a first day cover stamp marking the 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most famous universal scholars of all time. The Italian Leonardo da Vinci went down in history as a painter, sculptor and architect as well as a mechanic, engineer, anatomist and natural philosopher. 

The special block commemorating the anniversary of his death consisted of three stamps with the drawings "Flying Machine" (face value: CHF 1.30), "Self-Portrait" (face value: CHF 2.20) and "Anatomic Studies" (face value: CHF 2.80), gives an idea of da Vinci's extensive and visionary work. 

Even as a child, Leonardo liked to explore the laws of nature. His father sent him to the workshop of the Florentine sculptor and painter Andrea del Verrocchio for training. Da Vinci's numerous works of art, including paintings such as "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper", made him one of the leading artists of the Renaissance. But again and again he devoted himself to his other interests too: He dissected more than thirty corpses and made precise anatomical drawings of them. His passion for flying devices was not merely theoretical either. Among other things, he constructed a forerunner of the helicopter.

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