Sunday, July 25, 2021

Taiwan Post Ancient Chinese Painting "Peacocks"

TAIWAN POST (Chunghwa Post) in 1991 issued a stamp book containing the ancient Chinese painting "Peacocks" by Lang Shin-ning (Giuseppe Castiglione 1688-1766). The book contains one first day cover envelope and stamp, two mint stamps and souvenir sheet. The book includes four additional paintings by  Castiglione and explanation of each work.

The painting is in the National Palace Museum collection (Taiwan). It is rendered in ink and color on silk hanging scroll, 282 cm. wide and 328 cm. long. This painting depicts two peacocks in a garden. One is standing under a flower and spreading its tail feathers while the other is walking and looking back. The rocks in the garden are pretty and magnolia, peony, rose and cherry-apple are all in bloom.

Giuseppe Castiglione, born in Milan, Italy, entered the Jesuit order at the age of 19, studied under Br. Andrea Pozzo, SJ, came to China in 1715, and was appointed court painter at the Imperial Palace in Beijing. He served in this position under three emperors, painting under the Chinese name Lang Shih-ning.

He became a key figure in the artistic revival of the time, introducing Chinese painters to perspective, three-dimensionality and other western techniques. Combining typical Chinese material with western technique, he was particularly known for portraits and animals, especially horses. 

Castiglione's paintings have over the years been featured on almost 40 stamps, and one stamp is dedicated to the Old Summer Palace at Beijing which he also designed.

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