Sunday, April 9, 2023

Pos Malaysia Cendekawan di Malaysia

POS MALAYSIA on 29 December 2022 paid homage to the remarkable Malaysian scholars --  "Cendekawan di Malaysia" -- who during their lifetime made huge contributions in various fields for the benefit of Malaysians. 
They included the late Prof.  Diraja Ungku Abdul Aziz (30sen), the late Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Mohd Rashdan bin Hj. Baba (RM1.00) and the late Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Khoo Kay Kim (RM1.30).

A brochure with individual profiles of each person was included with this First Day Cover. I was aware of these men, as they were still active when I arrived in Malaysia in the 1980s, and I had the opportunity to peruse some of their articles.

My interest in this particular FDC stems from the fact that rarely, if ever, has Pos Malaysia featured the nation's learned personalities. To my knowledge, only one other notable person has been so  honoured. 

In 2002, Pos Malaysia issued a series of stamps dedicated to the Malaysian scholar Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad, better known by the abbreviation Za’aba (sometimes spelt Za’ba). He is credited with modernising the Malay language and pioneering grammatical rules through the publication of a series of grammar books.
Source: Pos Malaysia

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