Friday, April 28, 2023

Sarawak First Flight/First Day Cover BOAC and Malayan Airways Kuching to London

SARAWAK issued 1 October 1957 a First Day Cover of the First Flight by  BOAC and Malayan Airways to London, England from Kuching, Sarawak. It was franked with three Sarawak stamps with an early cypher of Queen Elizabeth II and one portraiture of  QEII. 

-  2c - Young Orang-Utan & Queen Elizabeth II  cypher             
-  8c - Tribal Shield and spear with  Queen Elizabeth II cypher                  
- 15c - Sea Turtles & Queen Elizabeth II cypher                 
- 50c - Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II  

These  stamps formed part of the pictorials issued in 15 denominations, ranging from 1 cent to $5. Printing was undertaken by Bradbury Wilkinson in sheets of 100.            

The envelope included a cachet depicting a map of Borneo, specifically Sarawak and North Borneo (Sabah) in 1957. The postmark cancellation states KUCHING 1 October 1957 SARAWAK. Back cover shows BOAC LONDON arrival postmark  cancellation of 4 October 1957.

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