Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Ethiopian Postal Service Ancient Rulers of Ethiopia (Series 1)

ETHIOPIAN POSTAL SERVICE  (The Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Imperial Ethiopian Government) were issued on 2 November 1962 issued seven stamps honouring the ancient rulers of Ethiopia (Abyssinia). These colourful stamps featured an inset illustration of each ruler whereas the main visual represented their historic feat. The stamps were written in English and Amharic. Harrison & Son Ltd were the printers.  The artwork was created by renowned Ethiopian artist, Afewerk Tekle. This particular cover, while not the original 1962 FDC, contains all seven stamps and originated from Ethiopia and dated 1964. Destination was Switzerland.

The seven stamps:
- 10c - King Bazen with Madonna and stars over Bethlehem.
- 15c - King Ezana was ruler of the Kingdom of Aksum (Eritrea) who defeated the Kingdom of Kush.
- 20c - King Kaleb and fleet in Port Adulis.
 - 50c - Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, King of Ethiopia and church of Saint George located in the rocky hills of Lalibela.
- 60c - King Tesfa Iyasus (Yekuno Amlak) was Emperor of Ethiopia  and the founder of the Solomonic Dynasty.
- 1$ - King Lebna Dengel (King Dawit II) and battle against Mohammed Gragn.

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