Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tunisia Postes Lamine Pacha Bey.


TUNISIE POSTES on 22 July 1955 issued a set of five First Day Cover stamps of Sidi Lamine Pacha Bey. These definitive stamps were printed in five different colours and denominations. The designer/engraver was René Cottet. A recess printing method was used to print 169,000 stamps.

Lamine Bey or Mohamed VIII el-Amine Bey (1881-1962) was the last bey of the Husseinite dynasty which reigned over Tunisia from 1705 to 1957. He was also the only King of Tunisia (20 March 1956 – 25 July 1957).

He was enthroned in unusual circumstances following the removal of his predecessor Muhammad VII al Munsif by the French Resident General Henri Giraud in 1943. It was not until the latter's death in 1948 that his legitimacy was recognised by the people of Tunisia. 

He took steps to align himself with the Tunisian national movement against the French protectorate but was sidelined by the Neo Destour after he accepted French-initiated reforms in 1954. 

Shortly after independence Lamine Bey was deposed and turned out of his palace along with his family. Their property was seized and several family members were imprisoned. He ended his days living in a small apartment in Tunis.

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