Monday, February 10, 2025

USPS 50th anniversary of the 1935 Social Security Act

USPS on 14 August  1985 issued a  First Day Cover stamp to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1935 Social Security Act. Robert Brandwyne designed this First Class 22¢ stamp showing a border and colour resembling the American Social Security card. The central portion  featured silhouettes representing all the people and programmes affected by Social Security.  Pictured are an older man and a young buy, an injured man walking with a crutch, a girl pushing a woman in a wheelchair, and woman with a child in a stroller.  These represent old age assistance, Medicare and Medicaid, Disability Insurance, Aid to Dependent Children, Maternal and Child Health Care, and Child Welfare Services.

First Day City of release originated in Baltimore, Maryland. A total of 120,000,000 stamps were printed by American Bank Note Company, using a  Photogravure method. The maxim card shows President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act.

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