Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Nippon Post Philatelic Week Issue -- Kanbun Beauty

NIPPON POST Philatelic Week issue for 1978 depicted the Kanbun Beauty. One in the set shows a woman in a chair holding a flower in her right hand, while the other illustrates a lady dancing lightly with some ornament. The stamp design was adapted from the original  Kanbun genre (1655 - 1673), which generally featured a single woman standing alone rather than a group of people.

 First day: April 20, 1978

Denomination: 50 yen & 50 yen (se-tenant)
Design: Kanbun Beauty
Lay-Outer: Yoshiaki Kikuchi
Color: Multi-color( 6 colors)
Printing: Photogravure
Size: 30 x 42 mm, vertical, each
Paper: White gravure paper, unwmkd
Sheet: i0 stamps (Z x S ),5 sets
lmprint: Printing Bureau, Ministry of
Finance, under the 1 Oth
Quantity: 47,000,000 (23,500,000 sers)

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