Monday, August 2, 2021

Pos Malaysia Coronation of his Majesty Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj

POS MALAYSIA in 2003 issued a series of three first day cover stamps and a presentation pack with these stamps marking the Coronation of his Majesty Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj, the IX Sultan of Selangor.

Usually when I purchase stamps it is the history of the person or event behind the commemoration that merits my purchase. I either admire the person or appreciate the historical significance of the stamp(s). My interest in the coronation stamps of his Majesty Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah was a personal one. 

In 2003, my wife and I had the honour and privilege to witness his coronation -- a process involving multiple ceremonies. It was strictly by invitation -- not an event open to the general public. It was reserved exclusively for royal family members, politicians, press corps and a few guests, we being  among the honoured guests. 

It happened that we had befriended one of his Majesty's uncles, and so we were able to attend one of the ceremonies held at Istana Alam Shah, the royal palace  in Klang, by invitation. It is rather ironic as a few years before I had obtained a letter allowing us to visit the palace so that I might  photograph and write about it. Unfortunately the letter did not carry sufficient power to allow us entry.

So, year after year, I walked and drove past this palace wondering about it, never imagining I would ever witness a royal coronation, let alone be inside the premises. Then, in 2003, we received several invitation cards (pictured here) for the coronation of his Majesty Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. In fact, the mere fact that we were present was pointed out to me by one gentleman, also in attendance. He remarked in all his lifetime he had never been privy to such an occasion, and that we were both very fortunate. And indeed we were very lucky.

At this juncture I must extend my gratitude to our benefactor, Paku, who made it all possible. Thank you very, very much for inviting us to this rare and wonderful event. May Allah bless you for the kindness and generosity shown to us on that day and throughout all the years of our friendship.



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