Friday, February 24, 2023

Poste Italiane 200 Anniversary of Italian Military

POSTE ITALIANE on 1 October 1974  commemorated the 200th anniversary of the Guardia di Finanza by representing, on 4 stamps, twelve soldiers wearing historical uniforms.

On 1 October 1774, at the behest of the King of Sardinia, Vittorio Amedeo III, the "Legione Truppe Leggere" was established. At the time there was no special corps in Italy for financial supervision of the borders, as well as for the military defense of the borders. About a hundred years later, in 1862, the "Corps of Customs Guards" was established with tasks of surveillance and defense of the State, translated, with Law n. 149 of 1881 in "Corps of the Royal Guardia di Finanza" with the specific function of "preventing, repressing and denouncing smuggling and any contravention and transgression of the laws and finance regulations, to protect the executive offices of the financial administration as well as contribute to the defense of public order and safety".

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