Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Postes France 18th Century Regional Costumes - 1943

POSTES FRANCE on 27 December 1943 issued six surtaxed pictorial stamps, featuring 18th Century Regional Costumes (Headdresses).  The surtax benefited the Secours National or "National Relief".  This national fund provided food and clothing for the poor and for needy children during the Vichy government (1940-1944). After the Liberation of France, surtax postage continued under Entraide Française or the "French Mutual Aid [Society]".

The six designs, in the order that they appear above, are as follows:
   - Picardy.
   - Brittany.
   - Ile de France.
   - Burgundy.
   - Auvergne.
   - Provence.

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