Thursday, February 9, 2023

Postes France Secours National (POWs and Marshal Petain's Winter Relief) - 1941

POSTES FRANCE on 1 January 1941 issued  two surtaxed stamps intended to benefit French Prisoners of War oof. The two designs featured views of prisoners of war inside barbed wire enclosures.

POSTES FRANCE on  4 March 1941 issued  two surtaxed stamps  design to benefit the "Secours National / Marshal Petain's Winter Relief".

The surtaxed or "semi-postal" pictorial French stamps of this period were intended to raise money for national events and public charities.

Many of the later charity stamp issues are inscribed "Secours National" or "National Relief".  This national fund provided food and clothing for the poor and for needy children.

Source: Collecting Stamps. com/France

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