Friday, December 8, 2023

Pos Indonesia "Aji Tatin"

POS INDONESIA on 2 February 2002 issued a First Day Cover of an Indonesia folktale entitled "Aji Tatin". Postmark cancellation originated from Jakarta.

The fifth series of "Cerita Rakyat" in 2002 which is shown is just one of the many stories and legends circulating in various regions in Indonesia. The folklore featured this time is Kembaro Island from South Sumatra, the story of Nyi Roro Kidul from the Special Region of Yogyakarta , the story of Aji Tatin from East Kalimantan , and the origins of Lake Tondano from North Sulawesi.

Aji Tatin, East Kalimantan

Tanah Pasir, East Kalimantan was once a sultanate ruled by Sultan Aji Muhammad. He had a daughter named Aji Tatin who was married to a Kutai nobleman. 

Aji Tatin was then trusted by his father to gain power in the beautiful and fertile bay area. For the survival of his government, he collected tribute from the people in the form of lumber. One day, when Aji Tatin's trusted people were collecting tribute which was loaded into the boat, suddenly a powerful typhoon came which caused powerful waves.

The crew tried to control the ship, but instead of moving closer to shore, the boat capsised and hit a coral island. The boat, which was laden with planks, finally sank along with its entire crew. 

The coral island that caused the disaster is now called Tukung Island. The event of the overturning of the boat loaded with planks later became the name of the bay area which is now known as the city of Balikpapan.


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