Friday, December 8, 2023

Pos Indonesia "Danau Tondano"

POS INDONESIA on 2 February 2002 issued a First Day Cover of an Indonesia folktale entitled "Danau Tondano". Postmark cancellation originated from Jakarta.

The fifth series of "Cerita Rakyat" in 2002 which is shown is just one of the many stories and legends circulating in various regions in Indonesia. The folklore featured this time is Kembaro Island from South Sumatra, the story of Nyi Roro Kidul from the Special Region of Yogyakarta , the story of Aji Tatin from East Kalimantan , and the origins of Lake Tondano from North Sulawesi.

Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi

In ancient times in the Tondano area, North Sulawesi, there stood a towering mountain. On the slopes of the mountain there was an area divided into two sections, north and south. The southern region was controlled by a Tonaas (ruler) who had an only son named Maharimbow. Meanwhile, the ruler of the northern region also had an only daughter named Marimbow

The northern ruler was often filled with worry when thinking about the heir to his throne, because his child was a woman. To overcome this concern, he came up with an idea that felt strange. He asked his son to behave and dress as a man and promised not to marry as long as he lived. North Tonaas' request was fulfilled by his son who was given a vow in a ceremony in front of the Opo Ompung (elders). If this oath is violated, the consequences will be disaster in that area. Meanwhile, South Tonaas apparently had almost the same problem. Maharimbow was asked to swear not to marry while his father was still alive. 

One day, the two heirs to the respective thrones who did not know each other met in the border area. Maharimbow felt that the person he saw, although dressed as a knight, exuded the tenderness of a woman. He became curious to find out more about this mysterious person. 

At their next meeting which started with an argument, Maharimbow managed to reveal that the mysterious person was a woman. He is Marimbow. Then they each fell in love with one another. They agreed to become husband and wife and were determined to unite the two regions. They did not realise they had broken their oath.

The next day, suddenly there was an earthquake and the volcano erupted which destroyed the area with piles of rocks and hot lava. Then the area turned into a lake which is now known as Lake Tondano .

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