Friday, December 8, 2023

Pos Indonesia "Ny Roro Kidul"

POS INDONESIA on 2 February 2002 issued a First Day Cover of an Indonesia folktale entitled "Ny Roro Kidul". Postmark cancellation originated from Jakarta.

The fifth series of "Cerita Rakyat" in 2002 which is shown is just one of the many stories and legends circulating in various regions in Indonesia. The folklore featured this time is Kembaro Island from South Sumatra, the story of Nyi Roro Kidul from the Special Region of Yogyakarta , the story of Aji Tatin from East Kalimantan , and the origins of Lake Tondano from North Sulawesi.

Nyi Roro Kidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta

Dewi Kadita, daughter of King Pajajaran, Prabu Munding Wangi, was as beautiful in appearance as she was in temperament. So she was nicknamed Dewi Srengenge, which means beautiful sun. 

Despite this, Munding Wangi always moped because he wasn't a crown prince. Munding Wangi eventually married Dewi Mutiara, who then gave birth to a baby boy. The presence of the boy made the King feel happy because he now had an heir to the royal throne. 

But the King's happiness did not last long, because Dewi Mutiara had a bad temper. He had ambitions to control the kingdom, even openly asking the King to expel Kadita from the palace, which made the King angry because of this. 

The King's anger did not last long, because Dewi Mutiara was good at melting the King's heart. But in Dewi Mutiara's heart a burning grudge was embedded. A deceptive plan was prepared to harm and expel Princess Kadita from the palace. 

With the help of a sorcerer, Dewi Mutiara succeeded in using witchcraft, so that Kadita became an ugly princess full of scabies. Raja Munding Wangi was very sad to see his daughter's suffering, but could not do anything and was forced to follow the Patih's advice to throw Kadita away so that she would not become a disgrace. 

Kadita left the palace alone, until she finally arrived at a South Sea beach. She then seemed to hear a magical whisper asking her to throw herself into the sea. When she touched the water, her body recovered, and her face radiated the beauty of the sun again. 

She then was transformed into a spirit and became the ruler of the southern seas and was nicknamed Nyi Roro Kidul or Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

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