Sunday, March 3, 2024

Korea Post Modern Korean Art, Series 5

KOREA POST on 9 April 1989 issued four First Day Cover stamps in their 5 series of Modern Korean Art. Each had a face value of 80 Won. The designer was Chun, Hee-han and printed by Korea Security Printing and Minting Corporation. Lithography + Intaglio and Photogravure printing methods were used. Three million stamps each were printed.

Artwork featured in this series:

- Village Scene by Oh Ji-ho
- White Ox by Lee Joong
- Sub-Street Stall by Park Lae-hyun
- Little Girl by Lee Bong-Sang

Also featured, on the reverse side of this FDC, is the Korean nationalist An Chunggŭn (1879–1910). He is remembered for  his 1909  assassination of Itō Hirobumi, a high-ranking Japanese official responsible for the expansion of his country’s power into the Korean peninsula. An examination of An’s life and why he killed Itō reveals much about why some Koreans chose to violently resist Japan’s growing empire.

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