Saturday, March 11, 2023

Deutsches Bundespost 5th and 10th Anniversary of Berlin Blockade and Airlift


DEUTSCHES BUNDESPOST on 7 October 1956 and 12 May 1959 issued stamps to mark the end of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948-1949), on the fifth and tenth anniversary, respectively.
The fifth anniversary stamp was colbalt blue in colour. It carried a value of 15 Pfennigs and was designed by Alfred Goldammer and printed by Bundesdruckerei. 
The tenth anniversary stamp was red and black, and it featured the silhouettes of airplanes coming to and fro. It had a value of 25 Pfennigs and was designed by Gerhardt. 
This postcard depicts the Templehof Airport and the monument dedicated to the airlift. While the postmark is not the special cancellation, it is dated 1 September 1959 and originated from West Berlin.

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