Monday, March 6, 2023

Österreich Post Prisoners of War (Heimkehrer) - 1947

ÖSTERREICH POST on 30 August 1947 issued six surtaxed pictorial  stamps to honour their Prisoners of War (Heimkehrer). Heimkehrer (or "homecomer") refers to German/Austrian prisoners of war and internees—Wehrmacht (Heer), Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Waffen-SS, Ordnungspolizei, behind-the-lines Hiwis security and civilian personnel— of World War II who were repatriated to West Germany, East Germany and Austria after the war. Some of the late returnees were convicted war criminals who were subsequently tried in West Germany.

The Heimkehrer themed stamps included the following depictions:
    08 G. + 02 G. - Soldier behind barbed wire.
    12 G. + 08 G. - Prisoner of war letter.
    18 G. + 12 G. - Prison camp visitor.
    35 G. + 15 G. - Family reunion.
    60 G. + 20 G. - Prisoners at work.
    01 S. + 40 G. - Prisoner sowing.

Pictorial Austria stamps such as these continued to appear during 1947 and 1948.  They included a wide range of events, from honouring famous people, promoting national events, to raising money for reconstruction projects.  

It should also be remembered that from 1945 to 1952 Austria struggled for survival. After liberation from Nazi rule, the country faced complete economic chaos. Aid provided by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and, from 1948, support given by the United States under the Marshall Plan made survival possible. Heavy industry and banking were nationalised in 1946, and, by a series of wage-price agreements, the government tried to control inflation. Interference by military commanders in political and economic affairs in the Soviet zone of occupation caused a considerable migration of capital and industry from Vienna and Niederösterreich to the formerly purely agricultural western states. This brought about a far-reaching transformation of the economic and social structure.

Source: Stamp Collecting-World . Com and Wikipedia.

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