Sunday, January 14, 2024

Deutsche Bundespost Berlin "Alt Berlin" Series 1962-1963

DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST BERLIN issued between 27 June  1962  till 6 December 1963  a series of 12 stamps representing images of “Alt  Berlin (Old Berlin)”. Intaglio printing was the method used. In addition to individual stamps, First Day Covers for each stamp was issued. Shown here, oddly enough, with six of the twelve stamps is a cachet and cancellation postmark representing the International Toy Fair that was held in Nuremberg on 10 February 1963.

The stamps in this series included:
-   7pf - Berlin um 1650 Die Linden
- 10pf - Waisenbrücke 1783
- 15pf - Mauserstrasse um 1780
- 20pf - Schloss 1703
- 25pf - Potsdamer Platz um 1850
- 40pf - Schloss Bellevue 1800
- 50pf - Fischerbrücke un 1830
- 60pf -  Hallesches Tor 1850
- 70pf - Parochialkirche um 1780
- 80pf - Universitität um 1825
- 90pf - Operahaus um 1780
- 1DM - Grunewaldsee um 1790

Those unfamiliar with postwar stamps in Germany should know that in the years immediately after WWII, each of the four powers issued different stamps in their respective districts, including Berlin. As the two German states emerged separate postage was used for the Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic. Such stamps as the ones represented here emerged one year after the erection of the Berlin Wall.

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