Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Nippon Post Katsura Rikyu Stamp and Postcard of "Evening Snow at Mokubo Temple"

NIPPON POST issued in 1966 a series of stamps depicting the Fauna, Flora and Cultural Heritage of Japan. This particular stamp shows Katsura Rikyu, Katsura Imperial Villa and garden of Palace, Kyoto.

The postcard depicts "Evening Snow at Mokubo Temple" by Toyokuni III/Kunisada (1786 - 1864). On a beautiful winter's day an elegant lady sets out across the snow, lifting the hems of her kimono as she walks along on tall wooden geta sandals. A wooden bridge arches across the Sumida River in the background, the railings covered with snow as flakes gently fall through the pale gray sky and she wends her way to Mokubo Temple.  This artwork is one of three scenes from a triptych by Kunisada.

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