HELLENIC POST on 23 July 1977 issued a series of seven First Day Cover stamps dedicated to the 2300th anniversary of Alexander the Great's death. A special postmark cancellation of the great Macedonian king's profile originated from Athens for these two outstanding FDCs. Why the cachet of a mermaid? There is a Greek myth that the Mermaid was the sister of Alexander the Great.
- a Roman coin with the Lighthouse of Alexandria (0.50 drachmas)
- Raphael's fresco "Alexander the Great placing the works of Homer on the tomb of Achilles" (1 drachma)
- Flemish miniature "Alexander the Great diving into the depths of the sea" (1.50 drachmas)
- Indian plate "Alexander the Great seeking the water of life" (3 drachmas)
- Coptic carpet "Alexander the Great on horseback" (7 drachmas)
- Byzantine manuscript "Alexander the Great receiving the oracle of his imminent death" (11 drachmas)
- Persian miniature "Death of Alexander the Great" (30 drachmas)
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