Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Egypt 16th Anniversary of Ramadan War - 1989


EGYPT on 6 October 1989 issued a First Day Cover of three stamps commemorating the 16th anniversary of the Ramadan War (also known as the Yom Kipper War). The stamps depicted the 6th October  Panorama Museum and crossing of the Suez Canal where Egypt breached Israeli fortifications.

Egypt and Israel both claimed victory for their forces. However, the ramifications of the war resulted in government and military shakeups in both nations.

In response to those countries that supported Israel,  Saudi Arabia instigated a 5% reduction in oil production and an embargo that led to increased prices in petrol and a worldwide shortage in fuel. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia who gave the green light to cut production was assassinated  two years later in 1975.

On a more positive note, in 1978, Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Accords. Ultimately both got what each wanted: Egypt regained the Sinai  and Israel achieved peace and recognition from Egypt. Three years later, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt was assassinated on the 8th anniversary of the Ramadan War in 1981.

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