Monday, October 23, 2023

Pos Malaysia Penang Hill Railway Centenary

POS MALAYSIA  on 23 August 2023 issued two First Day Covers to mark the Centenary Anniversary of The Penang Hill Funicular Railway.

In conjunction with Penang Hill Railway Centenary Celebration (1923-2023), this special stamp issue commemorated the railway’s remarkable century-long journey by featuring funiculars from three generations:
- First-Generation Funicular – 1923 (30sen)
- Second-Generation Funicular - 1977 (60sen)

- Third-Generation Funicular - 2011 (RM 1.30).
- The latest generation funicular is also featured on a Miniature Sheet (RM5).

The Penang Hill Funicular Railway is the only one of its kind in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, and it is among the steepest in the world. With a total of 6 peaks and the highest standing impressively at 833 meters (2733 ft) above sea level, Penang Hill features the best lookouts in Penang, offering panoramic views of the island and mainland.

The Penang Hill funicular railway is 2km long and is one of the longest funicular tracks in Asia. A one-way trip takes approximately 4.5 minutes. Since its inaugural launch on 21 October 1923 it has welcomed over 47 million visitors from both domestic and international travellers.

Source: Pos Malaysia and Wikipedia

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