Monday, April 15, 2024

Kuwait Post 1st Anniversary of the Iraqi Invasion

KUWAIT POST on 2 August 1991 issued four First Day Cover stamps to mark the 1st anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The set was designed by Jafar Islah.

Stamps issued:
- 50 Fils - Human Terrorism
- 100 Fils - Invasion of Kuwait
- 150 Fils - Environmental Terrorism
- 250 Fils - Desert Storm  imperforated  minisheet

The Persian Gulf War occurred after Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990. The war was fought between Iraq and a coalition of 39 countries, organised mainly by the United States and the United Nations. The war took place in Iraq and the tiny, oil-rich nation of Kuwait.

Western governments believed Iraq was prepared to invade Saudi Arabia next, and that the world’s supply of petroleum was in jeopardy. The coalition placed embargoes on Iraq, but its military forces refused to retreat. On 17 January 1991, the bombing of Iraqi military and industrial targets began. A massive ground attack was launched in February, and the Iraqis were quickly defeated and driven out of Kuwait.

Immense human suffering in the Middle East occurred as a result of the war. Environmental damage occurred when the Iraqis set hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells on fire and dumped huge amounts of oil into the Persian Gulf.

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