Sunday, August 18, 2024

Deutsche Bundespost 500th Birth Anniversary of Albrecht Dürers

DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST on 21 May 1971 issued five special postal stationery cards with a value stamp "Signum Albrecht Dürers" and first day special cancellation. These postcards commemorated the 500th birth anniversary of Dürers.
"The Lady of the festival du Rosaire (fragment)” is created in 1506. His work typically featured detailed and intricate designs, which often incorporated religious themes.
"Self-portrait (or Self-portrait at 26)" is the second of Albrecht Dürers' three painted self-portraits and was executed in oil on wood panel in 1498, after his first trip to Italy.

"Val De Cembra Wehlsch Pirg", a landscape near Segonzano in the Cembra Valley.
"The Mass of the Angels" in Rennes. Pen in brown ink, circa 1512.

"Wing of a Blue Roller" (not shown) painted in 1512.

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