Wednesday, August 14, 2024

SingPost Costumes of Old Singapore [Heritage Series]


SING POST on 22 May 1992 issued a set of four First Day Cover stamps depicting the Costumes of Old Singapore [Heritage Series]. The stamps were released in conjunction with the World Columbian Expo '92. Black & white sketches of ethnic groups and their costumes found in Singapore, circa 1910, were depicted, along with colourful fabric worn.

Stamps printed included:

- 20c - Chinese Family circa 1910 / Embroidery of a woman's samfu

- 35c- Malay Family  circa1910 / Batik print of a woman's sarong

- 75c - Indian Family circa1910 / Floral print of a woman's sari

- $2 - Straits Chinese Family circa 1910 / Beadwork of a woman's belé

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