Monday, July 10, 2023

French West Africa Colonial Soldiers Definitives - 1945

FRENCH WEST AFRICA (Afrique Occidental Francaise) in  1945 issued a definitive set dedicated to their colonial soldiers. These multicoloured stamps had  11½ x 12 perforations and used an offset lithography printing method.

Face values included: 10 French centime; 30 French centime; 40 French centime; 50 French centime; 60 French centime; 70 French centime; 80 French centime; 1 ₣; 1.20 ₣; 1.50 ₣; 2 ₣; 2.40 ₣; 3 ₣; 4 ₣; 4.50 ₣; 5 ₣; 10 ₣; 15 ₣; 20 ₣.

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