Tuesday, July 25, 2023

French West Africa (Senegal) Diourbel Mosque

FRENCH WEST AFRICA (Afrique Occidental Francaise  Senegal) from 1935 till 1943  printed six definitive stamps -- four versions shown here, plus two Vichy versions --  of the  Diourbel Mosque in various colours and values. The printers were Institut de Gravure and d'Impression de Papiers-Valeurs, Paris, using a Recess printing method. Perforations were 12½ x 12¼.

The overprint stamp affixed to the picture postcard is one commonly found in during the Vichy government in 1943. The postmark cancellation originated from Bamako, Mali. The postcard itself depicts a market scene in Bamako of the same period.

After independence from France in 1959, the former colony was divided into two countries: Senegal and Mali.

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