Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Saargebiet Surcharged Charity Stamps - 1926-1927

SAARGEBIET, the Saar Plebiscite Territory ("Saargebiet" or "Saar Occupation" in German) between 1926 and 1928 issued their first surcharged charity stamps and a brand new series of definitive postage stamps.

At the end of 1926, the Saar Plebiscite Territory issued a series of pictorial definitive postage stamps. These new stamps were wider than the previous definitive postage stamps, and one could say the stamps were beginning to get that French-colonial-postage-stamp "look" to them. These new stamps were printed in photogravure, and they were all perforated 13 1/2.

The designs, which are repeated throughout the set, feature (in the order of their appearance): the Market Fountain in St. Johann, a view of the Saar Valley, a scene from the Saarlouis fortifications, Colliery Shafthead, Tholey Abbey, and the Burbach Steelworks.

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