Monday, February 15, 2021

Gibraltar Post 30th Anniversary of Lennon-Yoko Marriage in Gibraltar

GIBRALTAR POST issued two miniature sheets of the John Lennon  - Yoko Ono marriage in 1999. It marked what would have been the 30th anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono  marriage. They were married in Gibraltar on the 20th March 1969 by special license in a three minute ceremony on Friday 20th March 1969. 

The miniature sheets show their marriage at the Registry Office in Gibraltar.Yoko wore a short mini-skirt and sunglasses at their wedding. They honeymooned in Amsterdam. John and Yoko were separated for a year in 1974. They reconciled in 1975. Their marriage ended with his death on December 8, 1980.

Design:Stephen Perera
Illustration / Photography:GPBL
Printer:Cartor security printers
Process:Offset Lithography
Stamp size:Set: 40 x 30mm M/S: 62 x 100mm
Issue date:1999-03-20
Stamp Values:20p, 30p, 40p. M/S: £1, £1

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