Friday, March 12, 2021

La Poste France Miscellaneous Stamps

LA POSTE FRANCE stamps depicting the artworks of Carzou, Degas, Vlaminck, Salines de Chaux Arc et Senans by Enlightenment architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux and Marianne (symbol of Liberty in France) was received from a fellow philatelist in France. 
Another envelope from a fellow collector include commemorative stamps of Sully Prudhomme (first Nobel Prize winner in literature), Chateau de Versailles and 50th Anniversary of the Space Age (showing Sputnik, an Apollo spacecraft, the remote sensing satellite SPOT, Ariane V carrying an ATV cargo freighter, and a Soyuz rocket carrying the French Corot satellite). 
 The Marc Chagall stamp (below, far right) is especially nice, as are any of the stamps he had a hand in designing or reproducing from his artwork.


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