Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Royal Mail 75th Anniversary of End of World War II

ROYAL MAIL (UK) in 2020 issued a set of First Day Cover stamps commemorating the 75th anniversary of the End of World War II. A collection of eight special stamps featuring evocative photographs capturing the relief and jubilation that followed the formal end of the Second World War in 1945. Original black and white photographs have been expertly reproduced in colour for the first time. Two Second Class stamps, two First Class stamps, two £1.42 stamps and two £1.63 stamps presented in four vertical se-tenant pairs.

Second Class A serviceman returns home to South Devon

Second Class Jubilant nurses celebrate VE Day in Liverpool.

First Class Ecstatic crowds gather in London’s Piccadilly on VE Day.

First Class Evacuees return home to London after a wartime stay in Leicester.

£1.42 Troops march through London’s Oxford Street during a parade for the Victory Over Japan exhibition.

£1.42 Soldiers and sailors leave a demobilisation centre carrying their civilian clothes in boxes.

£1.63 Allied prisoners of war at Aomori Camp near Yokohama, Japan cheer their rescuers.

£1.63 A member of the Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRENS) proposes a toast during VE Day celebrations in Glasgow.

 Shown is the First Day Cover envelope with stamps and explanatory card.


 Source: Royal Mail

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