Friday, March 19, 2021

Pos Malaysia 125th Anniversary of First Stamps in Malaysia

POS MALAYSIA in 1992  issued  a series of First Day Cover stamps commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the first stamps in Malaysia.

One set of stamps featured older postage alongside current designs.

A mini sheetlet juxtaposed past and present postmen of Malaysia with another commemorative stamp ($2 or 2 Ringgit Malaysia).

These First Day Cover stamps have a personal history for me, insomuch as I worked for the advertising agency that designed and produced the artwork.

The sheetlet with the postmen was much debated amongst Pos Malaysia personnel, an organisation that at the time had recently been privatised. As a consequence of the differing views, the agency had to redraw the artwork after it was decided the postman of the past should not be wearing shoes, but rather slippers. If I'm not mistaken a historical photo showed the postman to be actually barefooted. 

Another controversy involved the illustrator who had placed his initials in the artwork. Ultimately it was discovered and he had to remove his name. 

An explanatory leaflet was also included when the FDC set was finalised. I may still have a version of the leaflet when it was in the proofing stage.

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